From left to right, Suzaku , Miaka and Tamahome.Genki Genki : Karen Shrine version 1.5

Genki Genki : My Profile : Love : Hate : The Flock :Betrayal...

Real Name :

    Dune Vienis Karen "Ifurita" Noveno


    taboo_child ; Ifurita Youkai-sama (Ifurita Demon lord)

Age:    16        Birthday:    January 28,1987

Zodiac Sign:    Aquarius    Fave Constellation:    Orion

Religion:    Protestant (UCCP)    Country:    Philippines

Talents:    Marami!    Fave Anime:    El Hazard | Gensomaden Saiyuki | Yami no Matsuei | FY & AnC

Fave Anime Characters : Ifurita | Genjo Sanzo & Homura | Tsuzuki Asato & Hisoka | Yui and Aya

Love Interests:    Jamiroquai Ambrosio Maynard Iñaki Restituto Garcia | Chi Evora


I don't fall in love in first sight cause I don't believe in it. I can only develop my feelings through time and if that happens I'll be a stubborn lover. A very ,very loyal one. I don't easily forget the things I've shared with my loved-one. I write it on my diary so that I'll never forget those times. If you became abusive, I can kill too.


I hate people who are abusing my kindness and generosity. Example is when I give them this and that the only thing they reward to me is a back-bite. HAAHHAhihihi! You know who you are. Karma is strong and Judgement is coming. I can still remember the people who used to be using me and destroying my reputation. Some of them used me as a ticket to fame and acceptance. The only thing I can say is, I HOPE YOU FUCKIN' BURN IN HELL WITH THIS SHIT!

The Flock

This flock are my friends. They supplied me with hope and a little inch of acceptance. They taught me how to survive, that no one can stand alone. I must admit, I have only few friends but they are there where I need them to. Our worlds sometimes clash but somehow it always stays. They have been helping me since I had problems about my lovelife. You guys are my precious gems I must keep I hope I'm to you,too. I love you guys!

Betrayal and Thorns of Life

The eyes can reflect the truth. Yes, and I've seen a lot of them staring at me they are all but eyes of a stinky traitor. Second year.... a year filled with transformation and heartaches. Traitor eyes, betraying lover and plastic friends. I hate to see them. They're like stinky Shit! I love to see them suffer NOW! I didn't personally wish for it, It just came by to you Traitors!! Bwahhahahahahah!

Hey listen to the background sound! It is ALONE of Gensoumaden Saiyuki! If you want to have it, just click here!

Thats all for now and stay stuck cause more updates are coming....

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arigato guzaimasu.

Genki Genki : Karen Shrine version 1.5® is owned by The Legendary Demon Goddess Ifurita. All Rights Reserved